Friday, February 24, 2012

Purity Psalm 119:9

Today we started a new verse; "How can a young man keep his way pure? By sticking closely to God's word." Psalm 119:9

We came up with a way to illustrate how if we stay close to God's word that we will stay on the right course and go God's way! However, if we don't follow God's word and deviate from God's path, then we will end up in the "slimy pit."

We set up the train track in a circle and attached a small bible to a magnetic wand. We took turns pulling the train around the track led by the Bible. 

Then we decided to not follow the Bible, but go a different way and it ended us up in "slimy pit!"

The kids had fun playing with the train track and making the train go all different directions!

We sang the song "Oh be careful little eyes what you see" to help the kids understand that what goes into our lives, comes out. When God's Word comes in, then God's Word comes out. When we say things, do things, hear things that aren't God's way, then that comes out of our lives too (like Slime!)

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