Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dancing with God... Lectio Divina

I need God's Word. Although, I often act as though I don't. I let things crowd my life, my day, my time, and it gets pushed aside: The very bread that gives life... The very water that nourishes the soul. But not today, today I make the time...

Today, I practice Lectio Divina ("Divine Reading"). Today I dance with God.

I open to the reading for the day "Luke 18:9-14". I read it.

I read it again, but this time slower. What words are sticking out to me? What phrases are striking a chord?

"Two Men..."
"The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself:"
"But the tax collector stood at a distance."

Lectio Divina... the act of Divine Reading is not about me reading God's Word. It is about God reading Me.... Letting the words read Me and My Life. How do they speak to where I'm at? How do they teach me today?

I read it again.... Luke 18:9-14
Who am I? Am I the Pharisee or the Tax Collector? 
Today I think I was the Pharisee...
 I see my need for God, but act as though I don't need Him. 
God help me be like the Tax Collector. 
Help me NEED You and Your Word that gives Life. I am unworthy... 
help me not believe the lies of the Deceiver and thus be deceived. 

It is a dance... maybe not pretty at first.  He leads, I follow. He moves, I move. God shows and reveals and I break and bend... I step on toes and it isn't pretty, but slowly... with much practice our dance with become more and more in sync with one another.

Lectio Divina.... "Divine Reading". God, please read me today. Teach me to Dance.

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