Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Lee Academy

The Lee Academy started this week! Big Sis' first week of preschool has begun... in our basement. With much excitement and build up, the day finally has arrived. The teacher is "Mrs. Lee"... although I am quite skeptical that she will call me this.

Day 1:
Here is Big Sis sitting at her desk eagerly awaiting instruction!

 Here are the Lee Academy school rules:

Day 2:

Here is Little Man brushing his teeth before "school". 

Courtesy of my sister's ingeniousness, I've started incorporating a fun way for Big Sis to get ready in the mornings before school. She has a grouping of 9 cards that each individually have an item listed on them that she needs to do before school. They are numbered in order and if she does all 9 she gets a special reward. It has been working really well.

Today we were learning about God's creation and specifically the moon and stars. Here Big Sis is doing a matching game on the phases of the moon.

Here is our flannel board with Days 1, 2, part of 3, and 4 of creation on it.

Big Sis is making her own "Creation Poster" and is gluing on "day" and "night"

Here is Big Sis posing for a picture outside of her reading Tepee.

We took some pictures of Big Sis with her doggie for her "All About Me" book.

 Here she is posing outside of her house.

 This is her posing with her favorite "toy"... her blankie.

 Here's a picture of Big Sis helping around the house.

 Doing her favorite activity: reading.

Posing in her bedroom:

 Big Sis and Little Man went outside for some much needed sunshine and fresh air. Here Little Man is enjoying a mid-morning snack of cantaloupe!

Big Sis and Little Man are enjoying playing in a multi-sensory concoction that I created from couscous, rice, animal crackers, and multi-colored pinwheel pasta. They enjoyed scooping it and putting it in containers then burying small toys in it.

Big Sis made her concoction into a "birthday cake" for "Mommy and Roman."

1 comment:

  1. Wow Marcy - I wish we could be neighbors! :) Our girls would have so much fun together! Looks like Mrs. Lee is doing a great job preparing little Zoe for school - and life ain general! Keep it up!
