Friday, March 4, 2011

Life in the everyday

It's raining today... gray and overcast.The steady beat of the rain hitting the eaves makes my eyes heavy and my body slowly nod. Husband is doing the ugly task of grocery shopping in this mess of outside. And I'm ironing out some wrinkles in the curtains of the kids' rooms that just received a spring clean.

I read this today and liked it, especially since it is one of those gloomy, gray, wet days...
"Regardless of the mess of your life, if Christ is Lord of your life, than we are the celebrants out dancing in a wild rain of grace — because when it’s all done and finished, all is well, and Christ already said it was finished." - Ann Voskamp

I love it when God does something crazy. About a week ago we lost some important papers that were of high value to us and concluded that they must have made their way out to the curb for trash day. But alas... when all hope is gone, God has a way of redeeming the lost things and helping them to find their way home. 

Big Sis was downstairs rummaging through drawers in an old dresser [why she was doing this still remains a mystery to me]... 

...and she managed to dig down deep enough to unearth the very papers we were missing.

She must have brought them upstairs and laid them on the kitchen counter for that is when I saw them! What was lost is now found! I tried to piece the story of these missing papers finding their way home, but Zoe wasn't saying much, so the open drawer downstairs and a few other clues have led me to this conclusion.

As I was downstairs I was reminded of a few things:

 With all of the scramble that is our lives... signs like these really do come in handy. Isn't it nice sometimes to just have a sign that spells things out for you?

This is my #50 of 1000 gifts from God... EARL GREY TEA. It calms me and rejuvenates me at the same time. 

The seed... 

...we were created to tend the earth. This little hand holds it dearly. To think that inside this dead, hard shell, there is new life. That when placed inside the ground and given the right nurturing, this lifeless speck births new life... the tiny hand holds on to it. She doesn't grasp what is right before her eyes. Goodness, I barely grasp how this happens. But one thing I do know... this metaphor of a seed  just had to be given to us as a way for us to see how God works in our lives. It is unexplainable, yet so real. It is breathing life into the most impossible situations... it is starting something new where life seemed hopeless... it is reviving the dead. 

We created a mini-greenhouse today using plastic photo holders that we'll hang on our window to soak up the sun and heat. Big Sis will hopefully get to witness the very act of God breathing new life into a dead empty shell. I can't wait for the first seedling to appear...stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marcy....I love the way you simplify the every day! I love the way you show God to Big Sis and Little Man and to me! I am grateful for your reminder of His constant and abiding love on this overcast and dreary day! I love you!
